Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 20 Event Management

I thought the Doodle website/tool was good - easy to use. The only useful library application I could think of (in our context)was for bookgroup, good way to confirm attendance and vote on books.

I liked the Demand it! feature on Eventful, democracy and social media in actiion! Also liked how you could view events by location (reminds me of the ABC's The big diary). I like how you can sell tickets with Eventbrite, makes it possible for small organisations (such as ours) to sell tickets online - maybe author visits etc. Couldn't view Anyvite as council had denied access to the site.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 19 Productivity - doing more with rss

I like google alerts and have set one up for "Wollondilly Library".

1. How have you been using your RSS reader? Do you read it regularly?
I was really keen when I set up my RSS reader but then found I never had time to actually read it.

2. How have you organized your feeds? Does that help you keep up?
I've organised my feeds into two categories - work and play - theory is this will let me prioritise...we'll see

3. Which of the above tools did you try? What did you like about them?
I set up an account with FeedMyInbox because I loved the convenience of having feeds sent straight to my email. I'm having trouble making their booklet tool work properly, but other than that it is very convenient. A feed of this type is more likely to be useful to me. I especially liked how you narrow down searches on a particular site and then set up a feed for that search.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 18 Slideshows, screencasting and digital story telling

I had a look at all four suggested sites (AuthorStream , Zoho Show , Google Presentation and 280 Slides)and found none of them as easy to use as some of the previous tools mentioned in Learning 2.0 (for example, photobucket). I have embedded a slideshow I created in photobucket (Newbooks)in this blog. I think the digital storytelling feature has a lot of potential in local studies.

Week 17 Nings

Joined the NSW Public Libraries group on the Library 2.0 ning and three other groups (Twitter as a tool, law library 2.0 and training 2.0). Very straighforward to join, navigate and get badge (see on the right). I look forward to discovering innovative ways libraries are using 2.0. Read some interesting discussion about Twitter, "using Twitter search to create an aggregated Atom feed of relevant tweets" - will have to check this one out.